Nominations open on Friday 1st October 2021 and close on Friday 15th October 2021 (midnight BST).
Nominations are open to AMA-UK members only. Please do not share this link with anyone else, either privately or publicly. All members will be individually emailed these details.
The eligibility period for each award is 1st October 2020 to 30th September 2021. Please check the official UK release dates of your nominated songs or albums.
Need help remembering some of the great records from the past year? You could start by taking a look at our charts page, but don't forget that not all eligible releases appear in the chart.
You must be a Member. If you are not yet a member, please join now https://theamauk.org/Benefits-of-Membership
You must be logged in to the Members area of the website
Each member can send up to three nominations per award category.
Artist members are allowed to nominate themselves if they so wish.
You can nominate the same artist for different awards.
You can nominate artists who are not themselves members of the AMA-UK.
As everyone knows from ever-ongoing discussions, the definition of Americana as a genre can be highly subjective: if you think an artist, album or song is Americana, then just go ahead and nominate them.
Once you have submitted your nominations, you will not be able to change them.
Once the nomination period has ended no further nominations will be accepted.
Once the nomination period has closed, all nominations will be collated and presented to the AMA-UK board, who will draw up a shortlist for each award.
The final shortlist will be announced at our Press launch which will be in London in November 2020 - details to follow.
Once the shortlist has been published, the voting process will begin - details on how-to-vote will be made available at that time.